Elite – The New Kind
Elite was a highly successful space combat/trading game written by Ian Bell and David Braben. It was originally published in 1984 by Acornsoft on the BBC Micro Computer and Acorn Electron. Between the years 1999 and 2002 I wrote a remake of Elite known as Elite – The New Kind (E-TNK). E-TNK became one of the most popular versions of the game, played by thousands of people world wide. The remake was done as a learning experience, to see how Elite was written and to experiment with reverse engineering techniques. E-TNK ran under MS Windows but as I had released all the source code to the game it was quickly ported by other people to a number of systems including GNU/Linux, GameBoy Advance, GP32, OpenBSD, Mac OS X, BE OS, Atari ST, PalmOS and the PocketPC.
You can now download Elite – The New Kind here or from Ian Bell’s Elite Homepage.
Click on the thumbnails below to see some screen shots of Elite – The New Kind. The pictures will open in a new window.
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Answers to some of the frequently asked questions about E-TNK can be found in the F.A.Q.
Darkness Falls
In 2002 Ian Bell and I began work on an advanced space game called Darkness Falls (DF). DF follows in the footsteps of earlier space games such as Star Raiders and Elite but goes far beyond. Designed to have advanced AI and provided immersive gameplay DF has been eagerly anticpated by fans worldwide. Development was put on hold during 2005/2006 due to me having no spare time to work on it. Work on the spiritual successor of DF is now underway.